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Hotels.com often offers coupons and promotional codes that can help you save on your hotel bookings. These coupons may provide discounts on specific bookings, reduced rates, or additional perks like free upgrades or amenities. Here are a few common ways to find and use Hotels.com coupons:
- Website and App Promotions: Check the Hotels.com website or app for any current promotions or discount codes. They often feature special deals directly on their homepage or under a “Deals” section.
- Email Newsletters: Subscribe to Hotels.com newsletters to receive updates on exclusive offers and coupons.
- Affiliate Websites: Sometimes, travel blogs and deal sites offer Hotels.com promo codes. Make sure to use these codes at checkout to apply the discounts.
- Loyalty Programs: If you’re a member of the Hotels.com Rewards program, you might receive special offers or discounts tailored to your booking history.
- Seasonal Sales: Keep an eye out for seasonal or holiday sales, which can offer substantial discounts or bonus rewards.
When you have a coupon or promo code, you typically enter it during the checkout process on the Hotels.com website or app. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of any coupon to ensure it applies to your booking and doesn’t have any restrictions.